Brooklyn Health Disparities Center

The program will highlight the advances in cancer health disparities research in order to deliver beneficial messages to the intended audience. Furthermore, increasing cancer screening rates is one of the most effective methods to impact cancer incidence and deaths.

The symposium will address topics important to practicing providers, provider assistants, scientists, trainees and community groups. With this aim in mind, the following groups are invited to participate in the symposium:

Cancer professionals (surgeons, physicians, radiologists, nurses)
Scientists (gastroenterology, oncology)
Trainees (fellows, residents, students [medical, graduate, public health, nursing and allied health sciences])
Community groups (members of community organizations that are partners of the Brooklyn Health Disparities Center)

Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:

Interpret the current research infrastructure for engaging cancer health disparities research
Distinguish the recent advances made in cancer health disparities research
Realize the experience of cancer screening in minority populations
List tactics to improve participation of minority populations in cancer research studies

Keynote Speaker : Edith P. Mitchell, MD
Thomas Jefferson University[7th Annual Cancer Health Disparity Symposium image]

7th Annual Cancer Symposium